Make 17 at Devon Guild of Craftsman

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As the Crows Fly is very much looking forward to being part of the Make 17 exhibition at Devon Guild of Craftsmen this year, as well as being featured artist on their publicity for the event. Really excited about this. The private view (see below for details) will be on Friday 17th November from 6-8pm so if you are in the area please do come and meet us as it should be a lovely evening. Otherwise the exhibition will be running from Saturday 18th November until Sunday 7th January 2018.

British Craft Trade Fair

Exciting news! As the Crow Flies will be attending the British Craft Trade Fair this April with a stand in the Newcomers’ Gallery. Here’s a screengrab of As the Crow Flies’ online catalogue page:


It’ll be the first trade-specific event ATCF has been to, so lots of development work is underway… Some new designs in the pipeline as well as research going into laser-cutting some original ATCF illustrations to bring a new dimension to the slab built porcelain range.

Looking forward to this event so much!